Your Visit: What to ExpectAt BrainTree, we are extremely thorough in our assessments. Depending on the age of your child, our assessment process usually includes four or five appointments.
Appointment 1: Parent Interview The clinician meets with one or (preferably) both parents to get a thorough developmental history and an understanding of current concerns. The child should not be present during this meeting. Appointment 2: School Observation For children ages 7 and younger, the clinician will spend some time observing how the child interacts in a school setting. This is set up before the testing so the examiner is unfamiliar to the child and the child doesn’t know he or she is being observed. Parents do not need to be available for this session. School observations are optional for older children. Appointments 3 and 4: Neuropsychological Testing On the third and fourth appointments, your child will complete testing at the clinic. Testing may include computer work, hands-on puzzles, pencil and paper activities, and verbal questions and answers. For more details about the testing process, visit our assessment tips and frequently asked questions page. Appointment 5: Feedback Session On the last appointment, our clinician will meet with the parents (without the child present) to discuss test results, diagnostic impressions, and — most importantly — our recommendations. This appointment occurs approximately two weeks after testing is completed. |